When I was in middle school I started rapping with friends and peers and having rap battles during lunch. I stopped working on music for a few years until my sophomore year of high school, then quit again because my friends all gooned on what I was making.
To be fair it was probably cheeks....

Photo: Joshua Habibi | Additional Help: nenjavo
2018 I met qliss, nenjavo, zsurrr, and so many amazing people and started to try my hand at what I loved again.
It felt different this time though; there was an urgency to what was being written and created. There was a purpose, besides just making some spiritual lyrical miracle type shit.
Enter-- The Broke(n) Philosophic aka the brain child of me and nenjavo. It all felt fresh.

Photo: Joshua Habibi
5 songs that get deeper and deeper, more abstract. I wanted it to feel like you were peeling the layers away and so once "url (closetodeath)" hits it feels like you're underneath this immense pressure. The perfect antithesis of closetogod.
I spent about four months with nenjavo working on this project- I was living in Como and nenjavo was still in STL. We made it work, but I remember being a perfectionist (as I always am). Javo put his heart and soul into the shit that I asked for and it couldn't have been any more perfect.

Photo: Joshua Habibi
I made an interview video in 3 parts with some close friends of mine to be able to have a space where we could talk about the process of making this beautiful work of art which I'll provide below.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Photo: Joshua Habibi | Additional Help: nenjavo
What is your favorite song off of The Broke(n) Philosophic?

Thank you for continuing to listen 3 years in. I have a lot more in store, and since releasing this project I realized that there's no point in stopping. I'm glad I found that early on, and I'm forever grateful for everyone I've met since then.
Thank you,